Saturday, August 8, 2009

The garage done now we move on to remodel the Old Cabin

With the garage door it's complete

Wow! It's a big door

Big cat in the canyon (cougar) Killed down on the Highway by a trapper

Mac Roundy professional logger cuts down some old sick tree's
to clear to the way to start the remodel to the Old Cabin

My good buddy Clarence loves to trim the Oaks for firewood

Lonnie's back from 2 months fishing in Alaska

Maegan with good friend Shanny, she use to live in the canyon.

We've got the building bug now, the time is right, the price is right, the builder is ready and needs the work. First we need to clear some tree's, then we need to strip out the old interior and then it will start rolling.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What busy people you are!! It was good to see you at school the other day--I felt like I needed to trade you chairs.
