Sunday, June 30, 2013

41 Dodge tripin back to HappyOurs Ranch and paintin the Jeep

 Joey and Elise come over to the ranch for the day 
after moving to Cedar City
 They took the Jeep for a spin
 The 41 heads to the ranch for the summer
 stopin at all the attractions along the way
 Pioneer museum in Fridonia
 Moqui Cave in kanab
 Thunderbird Resort in Mt. Carmel
 Orderville Rock Shop (notice all my old hand painted signs)
 Old ZCMI store
 and Terry's Market
 Backroad tripin and we found an ancient Indian teepee
 Paint prep
 Oops got ahead
 It takes a highly skilled Painter to do this!
 Desert Dave
 Don't jump Grandma
 Cedar Breaks
 Trail Flowers
The 41's home for the summer (at a friends place in town)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tripin Zion, SG, 53 Rat Rod and more

 Early morning Zion tripin in the Lil Jeep
 The long tunnel and the hikin trail
 The old man w/ his Lil Jeep

 The knees are hangin tough
 Higher we're goin
 Beautiful arches
 almost there old man
 WOW!!!! I can't believe we made it
 Kanab Car Show, there's a trailer just like mine
 maybe it's nicer than mine
 but not as nice as this classic 
 the 1988 New Yorker in the shop for engine removal
 it all fits for Rat Rod assembly
 Rat Rod on St. George Blvd.
 St. George house in 110 degree temp
 The 41 Dodge coupe is headed for cooler Liddies
 the garden likes the heat
 Great Grandma blubbers the kid
 Brianna likes bananas in her cereal
 Grandpa still has lots of cool signs up at Duck Creek
 Nath and Deb's cabin burnt down several years ago
and this is what replaced it, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Headstones, 70th BD, Rat Rods, and more Graduations

 Memorial Day for the dearly departed
 Surprise!!!!!!!!!! 30 family members showed up
 to wish Grandma a happy 70th BD
 more 70th BD the next day
 Sarah's 6th grade PLAY
 The Old Bait Shop
 53 Dodge Truck cab, grille, hood and parts
 come home to the shop
 to hang around for a couple of years
 with a 1996 Dodge Dakota frame
 and 318 engine and tranny
 Happiness is being in the shop with the Rat Rod
 It will look like the one in the lower left
 and a grille like this lower one
 concept drawing
 Sarah the 12yr old , 6th grade Grad
 WOW!!!!! big class of 20 grads
 Headstone for Karren's Great,Great, Grandma and graveyard for the 53